BAKUGAN BRAWL! Discover the world of Bakugan with a simple battling game anyone can enjoy!


Each player must have three Bakugan toys along with their appropriate Character Cards. Players pick six BakuCores that match the BakuCore indicators on their Bakugan's Character Cards. Players then take turns placing their BakuCores on the playing area to form the Hide Matrix. The first BakuCore must be placed directly between both players. The rest can be placed anywhere as long as at least one side is touching the side of another BakuCore.


Each player chooses a Bakugan to roll. Prior to rolling the selected Bakugan, each player simultaneously says “Bakugan Brawl!” and rolls their Bakugan towards the BakuCore Field. If only one Bakugan opens, that player turns over their Character card and is declared the Victor. If both players’ Bakugan open, they will each turn over their Character cards. Players combine the B-Power score from each Character card with the B-Power score from any BakuCore that was picked up. The highest B-Power wins the Brawl. The loser must close their Bakugan, while the winner's remains open.


Players continue selecting and rolling their Bakugan until one player has all three of their Bakugan open after winning a Brawl. This player is declared the victor!


Make your Bakugan Brawls even bigger with a TCG battle!


1. 3 Bakugan (and their Character Cards)

2. 6 BakuCores

3. 40 Card Deck

Players will alternate placing BakuCore in the center of the playing field face down (flip a coin or BakuCore to determine who goes first) to create the Hide Matrix.


Each Player will shuffle their 40 card decks and draw five cards to begin the game! Both players will draw an additional card from their deck at the beginning of each turn.


Players may select one card from their hand to play face down as an Energy card. Players may use Energy to play cards from their hand before the next phase. Turn an Energy card sideways to uncharge it and make 1 Energy. Energy cards that you use during your turn are charged at the end of each turn so you can use them again next turn.


Each player chooses a Bakugan to roll. Prior to rolling the selected Bakugan, each player simultaneously says “Bakugan Brawl!” and rolls their Bakugan towards the BakuCore Field. If only one Bakugan opens, that player turns over their Character card and is declared the Victor. If both players’ Bakugan open, they will each turn over their Character cards. Players combine the B-Power score from each Character card with the B-Power score from any BakuCore that was picked up. Players may play cards to gain an advantage. When both players are finished playing cards, The highest B-Power wins the Brawl. The loser must close their Bakugan, while the winner's remains open.


The winner of the Brawl sets their open Bakugan on its Character card and is named the Victor. The other player returns their Bakugan to ball form, places it on its Character card, and returns any BakuCore it picked up back to the Hide Matrix. Each player may play cards until both players pass.


The Victor combines the Damage Rating from the Character card, any cards played and any BakuCore it picked up. The Victor deals 1 damage to the opponent for each Damage Rating it has. The opponent flips one card into their discard pile from the top of their deck for each damage they are dealt. If a Flip card is exposed while flipping, the damaged player may pay the Energy cost of that Flip card to play it if applicable. Stop Flip cards will note what Factions it can stop.If a Flip card is played, it must be used right away, before any more cards are flipped. Before the turn ends, players may play cards if they wish.


If your opponent has no cards left in their deck when they have to flip a card from their deck, you win! Players with no cards left in their deck do not have to draw cards at the start of turns or when cards tell them to, they can only lose from taking Damage.




A Bakugan is folded back up into its ball form and rolled*.* Any BakuCores attached to it must be returned to the Hide Matrix before rolling.



The score signified by  B at the left of a Bakugan's Character Card and on the toy itself. The Bakugan with the largest  B-Power wins the Brawl. If it's a tie, the  Victor is decided by the highest  Damage Rating.

Damage Rating

Damage Rating

The score signified by  at the right of a Bakugan's Character Card. Put this many cards, one after another, into the opponent's Discard Pile if your Bakugan is the  Victor of a Brawl. If both Bakugan have the same  Damage Rating when deciding the  Victor of a tied Brawl, both players flip over the top card of their decks and place it into their Discard Pile. The card with the highest  Energy cost determines the  Victor. Continue this process if the  Energy costs of each card are equal.



Bakugan with  DoubleStrike have their  Damage Rating doubled. This effect is applied last when calculating the user's  Damage Rating.



Bakugan with  ShadowStrike can’t have their  B-Power or  Damage Rating directly reduced by any effects including BakuCores and Action Cards. This ability does not prevent effects that would indirectly reduce the user's stats, such as having a BakuCore with a positive  B-Power bonus removed.



Your Flip cards cost 1 additional  Energy for each point of  FrostStrike the opponent's attacking Bakugan has.



The winner of a round's Brawl. They deal damage to their opponent equal to their Bakugan's  Damage Rating, and gain any bonus effects from cards with  Victor effects.



Take the top card of your deck and put it into your Hand. If there are no cards left in your deck and you must draw a card, do nothing and continue the game as if you just drew a card.

Energize / Energy Card

Energize / Energy Card

A card that is  Energized is put into play face down as an  Energy card.  Energy Cards can be Uncharged once per term to create one  Energy.



The act of turning a sideways  Uncharged Card back to vertical orientation at the end of every turn.



The act of turning a vertical, Charged Energy Card sideways to create 1  Energy.  Energy itself does not have a physical game piece, so keep count of your  Energy in your head, on a piece of paper, or with dice to remember how much you have. All of your unused  Energy disappears at the end of the turn when Charging your Energy Cards.

Character Card

Special card back, Character cards display the <DR> and <BP> of your Bakugan toy as well as the BakuCore types they must play.

Flip Card

Flip cards may only be played when flipped from your deck after losing a Brawl. ** They do nothing while in your Hand, so choose them first when creating  Energy Cards.

Action Card

Action cards are played from hand, have an effect, and then go to the discard pile.

Hero Card

Hero cards are played from hand, and then remain in play for the rest of the game.

Evo Card

Evo cards are played from hand and are played on top of their matching Character Card. They remain in play for the rest of the game.