Dan Kouzo
Wynton Styles
Lia Venegas
Shun Kazami

Dan Kouzo
Dan is “the Talent” portion of the Heroes. Aim a camera at this kid, give him a task and he’s sure to deliver a “like”-worthy performance. Dan is athletic, outgoing, inclusive and supportive— a natural leader, even though he doesn’t think of himself as one. Over the course of his brief and charmed life, Dan has made lots of friends, but is fiercely loyal to his two besties, Wynton Styles and Lia Venegas. They have been through a lot together and even when they’ve had disagreements, no one ever goes home mad. It’s a rule with Dan: “The sun doesn’t go down until we work it out.” That’s how you make lifelong friendships. A never-say-die, charismatic force of nature, Dan could hang out with any group of kids but sticks with the crew that shares his passion for making videos and sharing them with the world. Life’s a game to Dan, but he doesn’t play to win, he plays to play. Dan accepts any challenge head on, because he wants to know what he’s capable of.
Wynton Styles
Wynton has a laid-back slacker-hacker style that accommodates the endless bits of gear and tech he seems to produce from thin air. A multi-purpose “hack-pack” slung over his shoulder completes the look. Wynton and Dan have been friends since the first grade. They met when Dan tried to backflip off of the lunch table and his hand-held game system went flying into a wall. Wynton fixed it with a paperclip and some gum. Yes, Wynton is smart. Really smart. And like a lot of smart kids he keeps his talents to himself because he doesn’t like the expectations that the world puts on him. The only kids who know the real Wynton are Dan and Lia Venegas, because they see him as a complete person. So even though Wynton is definitely the brains of the crew, don’t call him smart without adding the word “mouth” after it. Overcompensating for his excessive intelligence, Wynton is a prankster whose jokes often get him in hot water. He has been cooking up chaos with Dan since forever. It makes for great videos... and the occasional trip to the Principal’s office. Wynton is an analytical thinker who uses his perspective to uncover the hidden secrets of people, places and things, though he rarely looks inside of himself.
Lia Venegas
Lia Venegas is fashion-forward in her dress, with a flair for the artistic, though she is not in any way worried about how she looks. She expresses herself visually, which translates to her style that incorporates “upcycled” clothes of her own design. Lia Venegas is as unique as they come.
When Dan and Wynton couldn’t turn their ridiculous stunt into a successful video, it was Lia Venegas who happened by and, with a few unsolicited suggestions, turned their whole scene around. Without missing a beat, Dan and Wynton asked if Lia Venegas had ever considered directing. Since then, Lia Venegas has been “the Director” of the crew and the newest best friend to Dan and Wynton. Lia Venegas is artistic and expressive— confident and inspirational to those around her. Her energy seems limitless— and Lia Venegas wants you in the shot – whoever you are! Whatever you do, Lia Venegas will help you do it in the best way possible... unless you're out to bring her down. Then watch out! Lia Venegas does not deal with ‘haters.’ She’s spent her whole life standing up to people who tried picking on her for being different— but no one ever tried a second time. Lia Venegas is as strong as she is creative and never backs down from a conflict, even when she should. Like the guys, Lia Venegas’s all about the fun factor and believes that those who go with their instincts live the happiest lives. Lia Venegas is an out-of-the-box thinker who helps others find their hidden talents through experimentation, fearlessness and empathy.
Shun Kazami
Shun carries himself like an adult. His serious demeanor is reflected in his choice of clothing. A clean-lined blue suit. He has one for every day of the week, just like Einstein.
Do you recall that the Heroes have one fan? Well this is him. His name is Shun Kazami, and he’s travelled half way around the globe in order to join Dan’s team for Bakugan battles. Mature for his age, precocious and mysterious, Shun appears in Dan’s town after witnessing Drago’s discovery. In fact, Shun is responsible for sharing the video with friends and letting it out into the world! Shun has been a secret student of his own Bakugan ever since their awakening, but could not find anyone who appreciated this strange new species the way he does... until now.
Shun has a deep love for Bakugan and a secret thirst for a group of friends. But Shun has led a very cloistered life. Only through watching Dan, Wynton, and Lia Venegas online has he found the courage to leave his home and travel to America, where he believes his true destiny awaits. But how could a ten-year-old come from Japan by himself? Could it be that his grandfather is the founder of Kazami International Holdings, makers of the tech that power almost every computer on the planet? That’s exactly how. But Shun doesn’t care to brag. Nor does he want to rely on his family’s fortune for success. Shun has a strong drive to prove himself in his own way as a Bakugan Battler, and maybe if he can relax just a little bit and let down his guard, he’ll make life long friends in the process. Shun is about winning above all else. He is not ruthless or mean, just overly-focused on results. In time, his friendships with the rest of the team will make him a more well-rounded person and a better battler/player.
Age: 18... in dog years. A French Bulldog, Lightning sports a collar that allows him to carry and launch his own Bakugan. All kids filming prank videos need a lookout and for the Heroes that lookout is Lightning. A stray found lingering in the back alley of Dan’s home, Lightning has become their unofficial mascot. A happy, dumpy, sleepy French Bulldog who often co-stars with Dan, Lightning isn’t quite as fast as his name might suggest, but he’s good for a “YAP” when trouble is coming. Lightning is the best dog in the world... and that was before the kids discovered that he could fight alongside them with Bakugan! That’s right, a dog— one very special dog— has his own Bakugan and uses them in battle with his human friends!
During downtime, Lightning is usually sleeping, eating or playing with the Bakugan roaming around Dan’s house. But when trouble rears its head, Lightning snaps into warrior mode and can brawl with the best of them! Lightning is a dog, and yes, it’s a little wacky that a dog is an active part of Dan’s team, but as an animal he has a different relationship with Bakugan than any human could ever hope to have. His animal instincts can mean the difference between success and defeat for the whole team. And no, Lightning does NOT talk— at least not in any way humans can understand. But his loyalty to his friends, human and Bakugan alike, give his partners faith in his abilities... Even if he does occasionally bury a Bakugan in the back yard.
Magnus Black
Strata the Hunter
Philomena Dusk
Masato Kazami
Col. Armstrong Tripp
China Riot
The Exit Team
Benton Dusk
Calloway Storm

Magnus Black
A masked boy wielding the powerful Nillious who becomes Dan’s number one rival. Magnus has no interest in fame and keeps his identity a mystery. Despite working for AAANIMUS INC., Magnus is a strong believer in the bushido code of the samurai— though he has clearly lost his way.
Armed with a cadre of powerful Bakugan, Magnus is the best Battler out there… Except for Dan Kouzo. Magnus takes an instant dislike to Dan because it’s obvious that this boy is special and his bond with his Bakugan is noble. Magnus turns his jealousy into drive, dedicating himself to becoming the best battler possible in order to take down Dan Kouzo, and save his sister once and for all.
Strata the Hunter
Age 35 - Once he hunted the world's most dangerous wildlife... Until he became aware of the existence of the otherworldly creatures called Bakugan. Strata has since tailored his cutting-edge hunting techniques to track down and neutralize Bakugan for sport. He’s captured a few, keeping them as inert trophies in his mansion. Using a special energy-siphoning weapon, Strata has the ability to drain a Bakugan of its power, leaving it dormant.
Philomena Dusk
Philomena is Benton Dusk’s older, meaner, and smarter sister. After Benton had serious falling out with his father, Philomena took up the mantle of Chief Officer of the Dusk business empire and took it to every corner of the planet. Ruthless and pragmatic, Philomena has no love for her wayward brother Benton. If anything, she would relish taking him completely out of the picture. With an intimate knowledge of the Bakugan phenomenon, Philomena has spent a fortune attempting to unlock their secrets and bring their vast potential to bear for AAANIMUS INC.
Masato Kazami
Masato Kazami is Shun’s older cousin . He has been brought in by AAANIMUS INC. to knock Shun out of the heros. Masato wants to prove his worth by either bringing Shun back into the family fold or forever exiling him like his family.
Masato is cunning, mean and heartless.
Col. Armstrong Tripp
Col. Armstrong Tripp is AAANIMUS INC.’s main adult Bakugan Battler. He heads a group of adult “enhanced human” Battlers. Col. Tripp answers directly to Philomena and finds battling children demeaning and aggravating. He does not share his dissatisfaction with his boss because he is a company man through and through.
Col. Armstrong is gruff and cold.
China Riot
This 6-year-old Bakugan Battler phenomenon is both spoiled and fearsome. Auctioning her abilities to the highest bidder, China has found a comfortable second home with AAANIMUS INC. China is driven solely by the accumulation of money and pretty things. China works for AAANIMUS INC. and will go wherever she is needed to help advance the company’s goals, her primary personal goal is to be the best & cutest Bakugan fighter ever.
Quirky, precocious and fearsome.
The Exit Team
A corporate-sponsored group of hired Kid Battlers, the EXIT are both well-equipped and more ruthless than our heroes. They might seem cool at first glance— with AAANIMUS INC. funding helping their hip and well-produced internet vids garner a certain level of ‘pop’ fame— but they are actually cold-blooded. The EXIT— lead by AAANIMUS INC.’s marketing team— look to twist their notoriety into a corporate-friendly image that serves Philomena’s goal of world domination.
With the appearance of a twisted pop band, the members of the Exit are ranked A through E... Which also happen to be their names. AAY is the leader of the Exit. BEE is second in command, followed by CEE, DEE, and E. They are mercenary and all about the money. The Exit are the top kid battlers in AAANIMUS INC. with the exception of...
Benton Dusk
A mysterious, enigmatic figure, Benton Dusk plays a pivotal role in the world of Bakugan. As a world-famous business magnate, investor, engineer and inventor, Dusk is truly a modern renaissance man. He is ranked as the 79th wealthiest person in the world and ranked 16th on Culture Magazine's list of the World's Most Influential People. The very existence of the Bakugan holds great interest for Dusk. For him, they fall right in line with how he sees the future of humanity. His goal is to keep Bakugan and their powers open source. In other words, available for all to use. To that end, Benton recruits Dan and the Awesome Ones to aid his personal quest to collect the Core Cells.
Trey "Chess Champion Extraordiare" is the younger, smarter brother of one of the Awesome Brawlers biggest rivals, Aay. Trey is a champion chess player which helps him with his strategic brawling style and beating his partners. He may look like a Brainiac but don’t get distracted by his appear because this guy knows how to take down his opponent. He can’t wait to prove that he’s a more formidable foe than his older brother.
Coming from a wealthy family makes Sophie "Saviour to the Bakugan" believe she is more important that most people. Her ‘save the Bakugan’ mantra is just a cover to cold hearted personality, gaining status in elite circles and making money through strategic investment in the Bakugan community.
This way she can make a mark on her legacy and become even more rich.
McQ "The Arms Dealer" has a lot of business connections which he uses to build his empire. Ever since the Bakugan arrived on earth he’s been looking for as many ways as possible to maximize his profits by buying and selling all things related to brawling.
He’s been critical to creating the black market for illegal adult brawlers who use Bakugan control devices. If there’s an opportunity to make money you can bet he’s already in on it.
Brakken "The King of Brakistan" has been a fan of the Awesome Brawlers since they first gained internet fame. He has a mad crush on Lia and looks for ever opportunity to try and marry her. Being a King he thinks he’s one of the best Brawlers in the world, after a few massively embarrassing failures he’s determined to train hard and beat Dan and the others so he can win Lia’s heart. He’s got a whole kingdom behind him to achieve his pursuit.
Calloway Storm
It’s very important to Storm "The Phantom Thief" that he is not seen as a petty thief. He’s very particular what he goes after and more importantly the flair in which his heists unfold. He’s a great mentor to Ajit but don’t let that fool you into believing that he’s not exclusively serving his own interests. He’s very selective in which Bakugan he choses rollout – only the best for this brawler.
Bakugan: what are they and where did they come from? Dive deep into the history and legend of The Great Collision.
Study all of the Bakugan before you meet on the Hide Matrix! Learn their strengths, weaknesses, and attributes to brawl your way to victory!